July 3rd
Dicsussion Started.
Connected eachother
We are happy to let you know that we have started working on the proposal for your website redesign and maintenance from this date.
July 20
Advance payment received.
Onbarding Nargund
We have received the advance payment for the website redesign. We are now allocating our team to start working on the layout designs. Once the initial designs are ready, we will send them to you for approval.
August 1st
4 Samples Shared
Concept Development - Wireframing
The team has created 4 samples with different designs.
Click here to download the PDF file:
20 Days Work
Waiting for wireframe approval
Will start working on Re-design from 5th August
In this development stage, most of the work will happen. We will assign the needed team to complete the tasks according to the wireframe approved by the client. This stage will take 90% of the total project time.
https://demo.brandmars.com/nargundwp/4 Days Work
Mobile & Desktop responses launch
Quality and Performance Check
We will improve the website speed and test the final code for compatibility on mobile, tablets, and desktops. Once all issues are fixed, we will make the website live.
3 Days Work
Collecting feedback from all
Website Review Stage
We will collect everyone's feedback and make the final changes based on that.
New Website launch
We will replace the current website with the new one. This will be done in one go without interrupting the website or causing any delays for the live audience. We will carry out this work at night and announce that website maintenance is happening.